Monday, July 16, 2012

Iran Foreign Ministry urges Call Meting For Buddhists killing in this part 20,000 Muslims Rohingyas in Myanmar.

TEHRAN – The deputy chairman of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee said on Monday that the Majlis has asked the Foreign Ministry to report on the recent massacre of Muslims in Myanmar. Speaking to the Persian service of the Fars News Agency, Mansour Haqiqatpour said unfortunately the international bodies have shut their eyes to the human tragedy occurring in Myanmar.
Speaking to the Persian service of the Fars News Agency, Mansour Haqiqatpour said unfortunately the international bodies have shut their eyes to the human tragedy occurring in Myanmar. c_330_235_16777215_0_http___www.tehrantimes.com_images_stories_famous_02_majles.jpg According to unofficial reports, more than 20,000 Muslims have been killed, tortured and displaced by the extremist Buddhists in Burma’s Rakhine province, the worst sectarian killing in this part of the world over the years, Pakistan Observer reported on July 13. 
The violence had killed 29 people in a day and displaced more than 30,000, said Htein Lin, secretary of the country’s Ministry for Border Affairs. 
Around 2,500 houses have been burnt down, Reuters reported on 14th June. Meanwhile, The Telegraph reported on June 21 that more than 80 have been killed in Burma in the month said. 
Neither International Organizations, NGO’s, Human Rights Organization, major countries nor Myanmar’s government has proposed a solution for the 800,000 Rohingya, who live in desperate conditions that resemble refugee camps and make up one of the largest groups of stateless people in Asia.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the Iranian govt. for focusing the serious issue of Massacre of Rohingyas mercilessness by Burmese Military regime and their allies Mogh terrorist group on ethnic cleansing from the soil of Arakan State.
    Still, we are seeking the real friend who can defend and protect us seriously from disappearing from the soil of Arakan State.
    M.Hussain Azmi
